Sunday, May 22, 2016

Going Through Old Files

Oh boy, so have I had an interesting weekend.
My parents decided a little while back that they wanted to get a new computer. See, the way it's set up in my house, we have a 'computer room'. It has two desktops (one for 'the kids' and one for my parents), and usually it also holds my dad's laptop. We've owned these desktops for a while, and due to getting viruses from games my brothers downloaded to not having a strong system, the 'kids' computer is slow and old and a pain to use. So my parents decided that they wanted to buy a new computer, and they can give the one they've been using to us (I say 'us', but I'll be leaving the house in less than a month, so it doesn't really matter all that much to me).
Anyways, over the past week, my dad has been asking me to go through the desktop and pull together any files or pictures or whatnot that I want to save, and set this aside in this folder he has called 'Stuff to Keep'.
Now, I have a laptop and an iPod, and I haven't used this desktop in at least a year, not using it regularly for probably two. It has basically everything that I've typed up (stories/assignments/etc.) between 2009 and 2014. So, being me, I decided that I was going to have a little fun when deciding which files to keep and go back through my old stories from elementary and middle school and just take a look at what I was writing back then.

Here are just a few things that I gathered from looking through them:
- I didn't use Microsoft Word exclusively to write my stories in elementary school. No, I also enjoyed using Powerpoints by typing up the story in one column and adding clipart in the other that seemed to go along.
- I have always had this horrible tendency to giving up on something mid-sentence. It's so annoying, it's like when
- No novel is safe from being given up on. I had books that were 30,000+ words that I just gave up on and stopped writing. There was a story that I dedicated myself to through most of middle school. I spent over two years writing over 60,000 words on the first novel in a trilogy that I had planned. Everything was planned to a T, I had rewritten a few scenes that I thought needed readjustment. This novel was my life. And then, upon being introduced to NaNoWriMo, I tossed it aside like an old shoe.
- I have written more than I thought. There was a rewrite of an old novel that was longer than the original novel, and I still have no recollection of ever getting this far. I remember beginning it, but that's the most I can recall.
- I really cop out with novel titles. I've been using the default '[Main Character] and the [Big Event that Occurs in the Novel]' basically forever, or the '[Single Word that Somehow Defines the General, Overarching Conflict of the Main Character]' (actual examples include 'Penny Mulligan and the Journey to the Shadowlands' and 'Trapped').
- I have not always had a passion for names. There are more Dylans and Hannahs and Sarahs in these stories than I can count. It's like a had a list of ten different names and just chose one at random for each character in the story. And don't even get me started on last names. They ranged from complete gibberish that I made up to 'Johnson' or 'Smith'.
- I have come a long way in how I write. Sometimes, I still have to stare at a sentence for ten minutes to figure out how to fix the awkward way it's been written, but at least I can actually fix it now.
- I still have a long way to go in writing, as well. My description is pretty much nonexistent.

There are dozens of story ideas that I've gone through, most unfinished but some completed. I mean, if I were to spend the rest of my life trying to go through and write first drafts for every story idea and series I have in that folder, I still probably wouldn't finish.
Anyways, so that's how I've spent the free time of my weekend. There were things that I went through other than writing - I'm not even going to begin talking about the Paint drawings I found - but writing made up most of what I did on that desktop, aside from surfing the Internet.
I feel kind of bad now for working on starting a new project, since I obviously have so many that I've set aside (I have probably a good ten since 8th grade), but that isn't going to stop me from writing it.
Until next time!


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